In December 2023, following a foundation Angst event at Winston Churchill High School, Gabrielle received an email from Ethan, a Churchill student who had attended the event. Ethan was positively impacted by the event as Mia’s story and the conversations during the event greatly resonated with him. After reflecting on the evening, Ethan became inspired to create a mural at his school as his Eagle Scout project to support the mental health of his fellow students. He asked Gabrielle if the Foundation would support his mural efforts.
Along with friends of Mia, members of his troop, family, and foundation volunteers, Ethan created and painted the mural at his school over the summer. Featuring imagery important to Mia’s story, including a tree and calming bunny, the mural provides hope and coping skills to students challenged by mental health.
Many thanks to Ethan and everyone who helped to make this possible, and to Dr. Julia Goolsby, who provided professional advice on the mural messaging and at the Q&A at the Angst event that Ethan attended.
Thank you Alexander, Ava, Campbell, Ela, Eliot, Ethan, Jay, Kai, Kelly, Mayank, Megh, Raj, Sofia, and Xandere!
